Those of you cooking chips are going to love the new look.
The Chip Group is moving from a government-funded programme to a self- sustaining initiative and the benefits for members are fantastic. The biggest change is that all industry suppliers and operators (chip shops, pubs, clubs, restaurants – whoever serves deep fried chips) are invited to be members.
Member benefits are significant. Ranging from eligibility to enter the Best Chip Competition to fuel cards and phone deals, product samples to caps and aprons, these great member benefits mean that the modest annual fee will be recouped in your first month of membership. From an economic perspective it is a ‘no-brainer’ to join.
Besides selling deep fried chips, there is only one criteria for membership – you must complete the on-line training. These modules take about an hour to complete and the quality of chips cooked by those who follow industry standards is markedly higher than those who do not.
The intention of The Chip Group is to improve the quality of deep fried chips. Training in best practice frying is seen as the most effective way to raise the standard.
The Chip Group has appointed a Business Development Manager, Aaron Mok, who takes up the position in mid April and will be responsible for driving the Chip Group.
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