We hope many of you are now operating your business under the guidelines for Alert Level 3.
If you want extra support The Restaurant Association are offering a FREE 1 month Emergency Membership for members of The Chip Group. This special Emergency Membership includes:
- Access to their full library of resources, with essential guides and templates added daily to assist with the ever changing COVID-19 environment.
- Exclusive savings and discounts with their partners.
- Access to online training and webinars
- Listing on dinefind.co.nz and ability to redeem Restaurant Association gift vouchers and gift cards ($1.5m redeemed annually across the country)
You’ll also have the ability to receive business mentoring and assistance from the Restaurant Association membership team to ensure you’re making the most of your membership.
You can find our more at www.restaurantnz.co.nz, or call us to discuss on 09 638 8403. To set up this free membership today simply CLICK HERE TO REGISTER and the Restaurant Association team will be in touch!
Please visit the Chip Group Covid-19 webpage for notices and resources.
You can access the finalised guide for food service, prepared by Ministry for Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE), available for download here and on our webpage here.

Ngā mihi nui
Gemma Carroll
Communications & Engagement Officer
Chip Group and Potatoes New Zealand
[email protected]